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Category: Business Insurance

Chip Cards and Payment Trends: What Business Owners Need to Know and Do in 2016

Chip Cards and Payment Trends: What Business Owners Need to Know and Do in 2016

Does your business accept chip cards yet? Don’t panic if it’s still on your to-do list, but you may want to get moving on this. Swiping credit cards, a technology dating back to the ’60s, is quickly becoming an outdated process. While there is no law requiring businesses to accept chip cards, there is a shift in liability from banks to businesses. So if your...

Psst! 'Password' is not a Password!

Psst! 'Password' is not a Password!

While it’s easy to remember, 123456 is not an effective password. In SplashData’s fourth annual list of the most popular passwords of 2015, the top four were variations of the numerals one through nine. Number two on this list was “password.” Even if you are more creative with your passwords, you may not be doing enough to protect your business, your personal information, or your...

What to Know about Ice Dams

What to Know about Ice Dams

If you’re no stranger to snow, then an ice dam on your roof is a dangerous seasonal possibility. An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. From gutter damage to unintended injuries, an ice dam can spell disaster. Fortunately, ice dams can be easily mitigated if you take steps to prevent them...

Data breaches: Not “if” but “when”

Data breaches: Not “if” but “when”

When we think about data breaches, it’s the big retailers — like Target, famously — and restaurants that do hundreds or thousands of point-of-sale transactions every week that come to mind. But contractors, especially if they’re working with subcontractors, are not immune to this risk — a single incident could cost a company thousands. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a 10-year average...

What's the Most Dangerous Part of your Employee's Work Day? 8 Tips to Keep Your Staff Safe.

What's the Most Dangerous Part of your Employee's Work Day?  8 Tips to Keep Your Staff Safe.

By: Carolyn Sennett from For many businesses, the most dangerous part of the workday is the time the employees spend in their vehicles. In fact, transportation crashes are the number one cause of on-the-job deaths in the country, according to the Department of Labor. The leading causes of accidents are often distractions. From eating, drinking and reading to using a navigation system, adjusting the...