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Category: Uncategorized

Making Good on your New Year's Resolve

Don’t drop the ball on your New Year’s resolutions. This year, try some resolutions that are easy to keep and will protect you and your family well into next January and beyond. Try these resolutions: Don’t be a distracted driver - Many vehicle crashes are avoidable if people would just pay closer attention to what they are doing and to what is going on around...

Snowmobiles Can Find Unwelcome Surprises in the Snow

For snowmobile riders, the search for fresh powder can sometimes turn into a journey of surprises when fence posts or other obstacles cross your path. Grinnell Mutual recommends riding on trails and familiar terrain to help prevent accidents and injury. “The most common incident reported are from riders who don’t see a fence in a field,” said Thad Means, a claims adjuster at Grinnell Mutual...

5 Ways to get a Designated Driver on New Year’s Eve

5 Ways to get a Designated Driver on New Year’s Eve

By: Abby Badach ( | December 23, 2015 No excuse in the book will change the fact that driving drunk is not OK. And you’ve probably heard them all: I’ve only had a few. I’ll be fine. I’ve driven buzzed before. I live 5 minutes away, so driving is safer than walking back. Don’t worry, I know where the checkpoints are – I won’t get...

Four Ways to Prevent Scalds at Home

Four Ways to Prevent Scalds at Home

From cleaning to cooking, homes run on hot water. However, hot water can burn the youngest members of your household.  Pardridge Insurance would like you to take the precautions to prevent such a disaster! “Just because the water is not hot to your skin, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt a child’s skin,” said David Miller, assistant vice president of Special Investigations at Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance...

If You Get a Scald - Follow these Tips!

If You Get a Scald - Follow these Tips!

You can help prevent scalds at home and in the kitchen. If you get a scald, follow these tips. 1. Cool the scald. Treat a scald right away by putting it in cool water. Cool the scald for three to five minutes. 2. Uncover the scald. Remove all clothing, diapers, jewelry and metal from the scalded area. These can hide underlying scalds and retain heat, which...