How Well are YOU Protected From Being Injured by a Driver with NO (or very little) Insurance?
Posted: May 29, 2015
At Pardridge Insurance, we know that you would you rather be an educated buyer of car insurance. We are one of the very few insurance agencies who will take the time to educate you on coverages (without boring you). Our philosophy is to give our clients relevant information, so they know they are making good, informed decisions. Take a moment to think about this unfortunate...
Human Happens
Posted: April 24, 2015
You probably come to a full halt at stop signs, always use your turn signals and never speed through a yellow light. But even the best drivers all have one thing in common: we're all human, and humans make mistakes. Maybe you forgot to look both ways before making that right turn on red, or you were following the car in front of you just...
On the Ground
Posted: March 19, 2015
It’s late at night, pouring down rain, and you’ve had a car accident. Luckily, everyone is okay, but the car might not be. In this scary scenario, who would you rather call? A faceless voice on the phone, or a local agent you know and trust, who can be on the scene within minutes? Having an agent on the ground who knows you and your...